Skies darken...
A deep argumentative rumble begins in the distance.
Clouds gather...
Angry Gods clash swords leaving bright jagged streaks across the grey.
I stand alone as the wind picks up, tugging forcefully at my hair.
Face upward, begging the heavens, i wait...
The damp makes it's way to my lungs, soothing an insatiable burning dryness.
It is time...
I close my eyes and savour the sweetness as the first droplets caress my lips.
A mournful ceremony ensues...
Tears from the sky mix with my own.
The thunderstorm purges it's excess,
Gathered from months of drought.
A renewal unlike any other...
I imitate nature and slowly...
I am cleansed...
Just to let you know. I really like this. very descriptive. Totally 4 thumbs up, if I was a monkey anyway. :)