Well consider this - Us poor mortals are put on this earth and given a life without a "How to for dummies".
We are faced with decisions on a daily basis, some having greater consequences than others.
We grow and age, suffer pain and hardships. Life kicks us while we are down and almost always finds a way to throw a spanner in the works.
We work ourselves sick and yet very few of us really make it big - most of us just manage to survive.
True love is not butterflies and giggles. It is commitment, support, perseverance, total acceptance and is a lot of hard work. True love does NOT have a happy ending because unless you die together in some crazy car crash SOMEONE is going to end up hurt and sadly 90% of the time one party is more dedicated than the other.
People are afraid to fight for what they want for fear of losing the battle. This fear controls them causing them to tiptoe through each day merely accepting things "come what may".
The defeatist attitude of "Oh well, everything happens for a reason" or "I have no power to change this anyway" is commonplace.
Friends come and go and one way or another there will be conflict.
You are your only true best friend - make sure you act like it.
People will hurt you.
You will hurt others.
You CANNOT please everyone so choose carefully those who really matter.
Is it all worth it in the end?
If one doesn't have hope then one has nothing. Hardships are there to build our character and mould us into who we are made to be. Happiness does exist and when you experience it, even if it's only for a moment - embrace it.
We are all given a path and what really makes it all worth it if how we choose to walk that road, whether or not every second is appreciated and lived with a smile...
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