Monday, March 28, 2011

The Social Fuck Up

Facebook... Twitter..

Saying these two words and I can already see some of you sitting with eyes glazing over as your mind wanders...

“I should totally log on and check my notifications or go tweet my favourite celeb in hope that they’ll respond...”

For those of you that have succumbed to the cult-trend that is BlackBerry you’re not too concerned right now because your phone is sure to tell you when someone interacts with you on any of your social media sites.

Yip, you know who you are... Conformist! ;)

Technology has the ability to effortlessly connect us. In the past you had to wait patiently days on end for your trusty “messenger” to ride his noble steed out into the wilderness to deliver a letter that was painstakingly written by hand only to find that while you were trying to profess your undying love for your fair maiden that bitch upped and found someone else.

With a simple tweet or status update this awkwardness could probably have been avoided but I guess Gayward -cough- Edward was kinda “old fashioned” being 100 years old and all
But how connected are we really? Is social networking responsible for bringing millions closer together or has it in fact driven a wedge between us? Can you truly say that your relationships formed through social sites are as deep and meaningful as those formed through traditional face to face communication? Does a Cyber *Hug* really make up for the warmth you feel when someone has their arms wrapped around you? The internet has allowed for us to be connected with thousands of individuals but have you ever considered how it’s responsible for the breakdown of basic social skills?

Don’t get me wrong, the pros of social interaction from behind the safety of a computer screen or cell phone are evident. In a society where so much is placed on appearance social sites like Twitter give those that are, for lack of a better word, FUGLY, a fighting chance to prove their worth without being judged beforehand.

Admit it, not many of you would approach this and ask for a number but it (not quite sure of the gender) might just be an awesome person... o.O Twitter/Fake Facebook profile or online chat sites would let you see that... Maybe... Just Saying...
The digital fortress that we hide behind also arms us with an amazing amount of confidence (kinda like tequila). We suddenly find that inner flirt, some become brutally honest with all social boundaries removed, others jump at the opportunity to create a "fantasy self" that's easier to keep up when dealing with strangers and then for some it brings out the "stalker" in them. Yes, social networking has successfully given us a false sense of security, a platform to "mould" our online selves into exactly who we think we'd like to be. We can try on different personalities without much judgement or any real consequences until we find that perfect online self that we are content with...

For those of us that had a childhood without the magic at our fingertips now known as the interwebz, we learned that there are certain things you couldn't say out loud due to the beating you'd probably receive. There was none of this "passive-aggressive cryptic" self expression that is now found in online statuses daily. We weren't bombarded by this insane amount of knowledge that is now stored out in cyber space and that grows daily at an alarming rate. We probably met marginally less people than the generation of today are exposed to and so each relationship we formed was likely to have more depth and received more of our attention. It was easier to concentrate simply because we had less to concentrate on.

It's not ADD, it's fucking Information Overload bitches!
What's on your mind? What are you doing? Tell us more about yourself. Share now. Download for later. Read more. Join this. Like that. View here. Click there... I'M getting a complex being told what to do all the time!

I am willing to bet that every single one of us that make use of social networking have been victim to the "complications" that can arise. The essence of a message being misunderstood by a loved one due to the lack of tone or expression in the written word, the gossip that can arise from people that have nothing better to do than to internet stalk others. Modern relationships are, for the most part, fickle. The idea of love is thrown around without much thought. Individuals jump from one fad to another faster than Tiger Woods chasing a hot piece of ass. We THINK we know someone based on what they choose to share online but can we really make that assumption?

I watch as tweens sit glued to their phones while you're trying to have a conversation with them. I've seen the pressure for young girls to pout and pose for the perfect "profile" picture. Cameras are no longer taken along to capture memories but rather to steal moments in time that will eventually fill up albums on Facebook. A beautiful sunset captures our attention and we no longer stop, hold our breath and take it in but rather snap it on our phones and upload it to Twitter to share it with the world. A woman Tweets through the duration of her birth, another woman Tweets and Blogs as she has an abortion, Facebook profiles are created on behalf of unborn fetuses... Have we finally lost it or am I just too "old school"?

So basically we can thank this guy for the stalker friendly portal that is Facebook:

Good old Mark Zuckerberg
And this guy helped found the greatest time waster of the century, Twitter:

There hasn’t been a movie about this dude yet so we're on a no-name basis right now
Apparently standing ominously in front of a giant logo of your brain child with a bewildered look on your face, waving your hands about as if you’re about to break into the Macarena is the “it” thing to do nowadays...

Jokes aside, these are great minds that had great visions to connect the world and bring us closer together... Where the ideas are fantastic I worry about the complete disconnection they are responsible for and aS I wOtcH DiS bEcUm dA nOrM amUng da YoOth I fEaR 4 dA fUtcHa oF oUr gEnaRasHins...

Watch out world... The Social Fuck Up is here and there is no way it's going anywhere any time soon...

Knowledge is power and will be our saviour. Be aware and intelligently adapt, or eat shit as you're left behind.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

To Blog or not to Blog? That is the Question…

Am I on the road to crazy?

So over the last few months I’ve taken an interest in the incredibly popular internet phenomenon that is “blogging” (WAY behind the times I know!)  I have stumbled across a number of fascinating blogs, some entertaining in their content, others extremely informative and then the few that leave you thinking “What the fuck is this person trying to say?”

Throughout this little online journey of mine, sifting through page after page of content, anonymously exploring the thoughts of strangers, I have been drawn to the idea of sharing my own warped reality with the great abyss that is “cyberspace”.

I highly doubt that the masses will flock to my little webpage and “ooh” and “ahh” at the awesomeness of my postings but from what I have gathered, although great to be recognised, that isn’t really what blogging is all about…

In some strange way it’s a beautiful platform for personal growth, a diary of experiences and emotions that you are willing to share with the world. In other cases it gives people a safe medium through which they can explore and express ideas that few are prepared to listen to in the hope that someone, somewhere, will read it and be like “Fuck yeah! You rock”. I guess that if you have the ability to reach even one person out there and influence their thinking even slightly through your words then you really have achieved what you set out to do.

Viva World Domination through Blogging
I’ll have to admit that I find myself attracted to those deep, meaningful blog postings that challenge conventional thinking by forcing you to question yourself, life, love, world peace, how Eskimos actually use the loo without getting their asses stuck to the toilet seat and all that jazz… In the same breath there are those bloggers that are just so totally kick-ass that reading what they have to say is nothing short of good ol’ entertainment!

I’m still trying to decide what path I wish to take with my own blog but for now, if you are reading this, welcome to the beginning of something that I am rather excited about!

You should be proud of yourself for getting this far, I certainly am! ;)

Ciao for now


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This is to new beginnings

I close my eyes as my fingers gently caress the smooth texture of this unturned page, slowly playing with indents of passionate writing and tracing over warped stains left by tear drops that wished to express themselves.

So much has been written and yet it feels somewhat incomplete. Hungry lines left empty, eagerly waiting to devour and eternalise more of this story.

I nod in silent agreement with these lines, the lack of a proper ending to this tale disturbs me. Yet inside I know that no further words are destined to find comfort here.

Fear washes over me as I realise the desperate calling for a new page, the beginning to a new story where even more lines wait patiently for the words I am still to pen.

I reach for the corner and hesitate, too afraid to break the bond between this page and the next. Fearful of what I am about to close off I wait...

As my pen lies motionless I am on hold... A slave to the words silently screaming for my soul. Sentences stringing together to tear at my healing wounds. Paused for a moment that appears to last an eternity my lungs burn, begging for the breath that will save me.

I long for the strength of a stranger to fight this internal battle on my behalf. Someone unconnected to break my connection with these words. Sadly, although powerless, only I possess what is needed to shut them off and continue...

I watch as darkness spreads over this page like an infectious disease, demons angrily trying to hold me back. Their wish being that I remain trapped, a prisoner to the emotions responsible for this story.

It takes a sacrifice of everything that is me. An acknowledgement of the scars I am to bear for eternity. An acceptance unlike any other. I close my eyes, allow the empty darkness to engulf me completely and terrified yet determined, I turn my page...

The unsteady dancing of a nervous heart is the only indicator that I am still alive. My eyes open slowly and I am taken aback by what lies before me. A pure, untainted canvas, opportunity etched in every grain. Excitement bubbles up from deep within. Finally I am free!

Overwhelmed, I weep. I weep for what has been lost and I weep for what I am still to discover. My tears are the first to speak on this new page, they form the foundation of the journey that lies ahead. This mixed cocktail of emotions tells of love, loss, heartache, betrayal, fear, joy, anger, excitement, pain, relief, acceptance and hope.

To me those tears are a collection of my everything; past, present and what is still to come. As these little pieces of me are slowly absorbed I smile, lift my pen and write...

"This is to new beginnings..."

Sunday, October 10, 2010

So many questions

I lost sight of the future while I stared in your eyes.
I lost all direction, was confused by the lies.
I misplaced myself when you stole my heart.
I pushed you away while I pulled myself apart...

Did I love like I felt or was I confused?
Did you love like you said or was I just used?
Did we have something special or was it just a good tale?
Did you get what you wanted with an ultimate betrayal?
Did I ever make you happy or was I mislead?
Did you mean it when you kissed me or was it all in my head?
Did you have to leave me broken and alone?
Did you need to run away from all we had grown?

I hope it's enough to know that every tear I cry
Is just another piece of our empty goodbye...
So many questions and just enough lies
It's over
It's finished.
Were you ever "that guy"?

The Thunderstorm

Skies darken...

A deep argumentative rumble begins in the distance.

Clouds gather...

Angry Gods clash swords leaving bright jagged streaks across the grey.
I stand alone as the wind picks up, tugging forcefully at my hair.
Face upward, begging the heavens, i wait...

The damp makes it's way to my lungs, soothing an insatiable burning dryness.

It is time...

I close my eyes and savour the sweetness as the first droplets caress my lips.

A mournful ceremony ensues...

Tears from the sky mix with my own.
The thunderstorm purges it's excess,
Gathered from months of drought.

A renewal unlike any other...

I imitate nature and slowly...

I am cleansed...